Effective drinking diet for weight loss. Menu for 3, 5, 7, 9, 14 and 21 days. Diet Dr. Nazardan, protein, water, pure and other options.
16 August 2021
How Your Favorite Diet Works And How Many Pounds You Can Lose On It. Detailed menu for 5, 7, 14 days and a month with alternating days of drinking, vegetables, fruits and protein. Diet Exit Rules Favorite and Consolidate Results.
25 March 2021
Is Ketosis Safe? Do's and don'ts on the keto diet. Side effects.
16 August 2020
Exercises for the sides or belly: in the following example of a profile. The basic principles of training for weight loss belly and sides. Warm-up before exercise for both sides and the middle. Effective exercises for the sides of the house.
15 July 2020